Emily Coding

A journey of learning

Chapter 3: Scraping, APIs, and a Project Process

The CLI Data Gem Project is the final project of the first big unit of Flatiron School. I got all pumped that I’m almost done with the first unit, and then learned that I had a lot to learn to make this project work.

Chapter 2: Relationships

I was working my way through Object Oriented Ruby on Saturday, and found myself immersed in Collaborating Objects. Collaborating Objects is all about the relationships between Object classes. We start with the belongs_to, then has_many, then has_many_through.

Intermezzo: 100DaysofCode

Back in June, I felt like I needed a clear and concrete goal. As a professor, my semester ended in the middle of May, I taught a couple of summer classes, but online. For me, it meant that I was choosing and setting my own schedule. I needed a little bit of accountability to keep learning and get a couple of projects done. So I signed up for 100Daysof Code and committed to code for 1 hour every day for the next 100 days.

Chapter 1: The Infinite Loop

This week was moving week, so I am now in Cary, North Carolina about 3 hours away from my previous home. Moving is exhausting, however you choose to tackle it. I decided to sell much of my furniture and kitchen items and try to only move what was absolutely necessary.

Prologue -- Emily Coding

My name is Emily. Nine years ago I got my first career job (not my first job, or even my first full-time job, but the first one that was a true career). I started as an English Professor at a community college in the middle of the country. I taught developmental English, Freshman Composition, and Literature courses (Shakespeare, American Lit, and Short Stories). After 6 years in the middle, I moved back to the East Coast and started at a new community college. I added some different classes (Early British Literature), and carried on teaching. But after the transition period, I felt like something needed to be different.