Emily Coding

A journey of learning

Honest Truth

Pausing our regular series on this workout app for a moment for a behind the scenes insight into the struggle. You’ve seen my beautifully diagrammed plans, but at the moment, I feel like they’re not worth much. I’m struggling with how to set up the components.

The First Components

With this React app, we’ve got all the systems up and ready to go. Now we need start adding our components. As we’re adding them, we’ll go ahead and wire them up with the appropriate calls to the API and get our app rendering the information we want.


With the API ready to go, it’s time to start on the React portion of this app. In my previous project, Habit Tracker, I chose to set up the React app inside the Rails app. This time I’ve decided to try out the other option – create two separate repositories – in order to see the pros and cons of each.

Rounding Out the API

With my plan for my Workout App in place, and the Seed Data to provide a bunch of different workouts, it’s time to finish up the API part of this app.

Seed Data in seeds.rb

This workout project has the most extensive seed data that I’ve written so far.